Powell’s Place—English & Humanities

Northside High School, Columbus, GA


Text Box: Pre-AP English I Policies and Procedures

A. Course Description:


Pre-AP is a special class designed to equip hardworking, high-achieving students with the strategies and tools needed to develop the skills, habits of mind, and concepts used in the Advanced Placement curriculum at the 11th and 12th grade levels of study.  The Advanced Placement courses in English Language and English Literature taken during the 11th and 12th grades reflect a student’s preparedness for college English courses.  Students may also earn college credit while still in high school by scoring well on the AP Examinations at the end of these two courses.  As an introduction to the AP English Program at Northside, this course is designed to consistently challenge students to perform at rigorous academic levels and to expand their knowledge and skills to the next level—a level beyond traditional Honors curriculum.


You will study:

1. techniques and strategies for analyzing and writing about literature according to AP guidelines.

2. elements and characteristics of several genres of literature including novels, short stories, poetry, drama, and nonfiction.    

3. correct grammar and usage which you will utilize in several written compositions and oral presentations.

4. skills and strategies that apply to the preparation and presentation stages of any type of speech.

      You will practice:

1. effective oral and written communication skills through formal and informal writing assignments and oral presentations.

2. speaking and listening skills through collaborative group assignments, role playing, class discussions, debate, and speech assignments.

3. literary criticism and evaluation skills by reading and discussing a variety of texts.

4. revision of your written and oral compositions for a variety of audiences and purposes.


B. Class Expectations:


Ø RESPECT all members of this class (including your fellow classmates, your teacher, and yourself) by using appropriate language and manners. 

Ø Bring all books and materials to class (text, notebook, blue or black pen, pencil, your homework).

Ø Be organized, be here, be on time.  Be in your seat when the bell rings and begin working immediately.

Ø Follow directions the first time they are given, and listen carefully to instructions.

Ø Be on task at all times, and do not waste your time or anyone else’s time.

Ø Follow all school policies regarding dress, inappropriate food/drink, littering, language, tardiness, etc. (Read your Student Handbook.)


Behaviors that do not comply with these expectations will be dealt with promptly, strictly, and thoroughly.  The consequences for irresponsible behavior are as follows:



First Offense: Warning

Second Offense: Hallway Visit/Detention

Third Offense: Call to Parent/Conference

Fourth Offense: Referral to Office


PLEASE NOTE: Extreme cases of misconduct will be sent immediately to the administration.  This includes (but is not limited to) offensive language, weapons, drugs, abuse, fighting, threatening behavior or language, sexual harassment, etc.


C. Supplies and Materials for Class:

1. A 1 ½ inch binder with plenty of college ruled paper set up according to “Notebook Guidelines”

2. The text(s) we are using in class (which may include your literature book, your Writers Choice book, your supplemental novel/text, and copies of short stories, etc.)

3. Blue or black ink pen, red pen, and a #2 pencil

4. You will also need highlighters in the following colors: pink, purple, blue, green, yellow, orange

5. Any homework or long-term assignment due that day

6. A positive outlook and a willing attitude


NOTE: I will not make it a habit to distribute notebook paper, pens, pencils, or highlighters in class.  You may not borrow these from me, so make sure that you have supplies of your own when you come to class. (Do not depend on your classmates to let you borrow them either!) If this is difficult for you, please talk to me about it privately after school and I will be glad to help you get what you need.


D. Grading:


     All final grades will follow the MCSD standard grading rules of:


100-90 = A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-0 = F


I grade on a Total Points System that includes grades for various projects, quizzes, exams, etc.  Each assignment is given a total points value appropriate for the length and difficulty of the assignment.  You will be given rubrics and checklists for major projects as well as study guides for exams so you should know ahead of time approximately how many points each assignment is worth.  Quizzes may or may not be announced.         


Extra Credit:

Bonus Points are available in the form of Powell Bucks (fake paper “money” in amounts of 1, 5, and 10 “dollars” that you will receive for going above and beyond requirements).  You may spend these points however you would like, but you may not use them for assignments that you have failed to attempt (make-up work, missing assignments, etc.).  These will be given generously from time to time, but DO NOT DEPEND ON THESE POINTS TO PULL YOU OUT OF A HOLE!


E. Absentee Policy:


As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Let every man shovel out his own snow and the whole city will be passable.”  In this class, everyone must be responsible for pulling his or her own weight—Shovel your own snow!  You alone are responsible for getting the information and assignments you need when you are absent—not me, not your parents, not your classmates.  These are the steps you should take if you miss any part of this class:

1. Do not ask me if we did anything important while you were gone.  Everything we do in this class is important and the answer will always be a resounding “YES”!  If you were absent, you missed something important.

2. Make sure you check with me about getting handouts/assignments and completing make-up work before or after school (NOT DURING CLASS).  You must approach me about obtaining and completing work you have missed.  I will not hunt you down or remind you of your responsibilities

3. According to MCSD standards, missed assignments due to absence must be turned in within three days of your return to class.  If you fail to turn in these assignments, they will be counted as zeros.  This includes tests, quizzes, homework assignments, and class work.

4. TESTS & QUIZZES: If you miss a test or a quiz, you may schedule a make-up in the MORNING before school during which you can take an alternate version of the test or the quiz.  If you cannot come before school within three days of your absence, you must ask a parent or guardian to call or e-mail me to make other arrangements.

5. HOMEWORK: You may make up homework on your own outside of school, as long as you turn it in to me within three (3) days of the absence.


THE THREE DAY POLICY DOES NOT INCLUDE PROJECTS AND EXTENSIVE WRITING ASSIGNMENTS!  You will know about these assignments far in advance of their due date.  So, if you are absent the day a project or formal writing assignment is due, you must have it ready THE DAY YOU RETURN TO SCHOOL, not three days later. For each day that the assignment is late past the day of your return, your grade will be dropped ten points.  If you are working with a group, please notify at least one member of that group of your absence.    


F. Tutoring:

If you should need extra help or would like additional support in preparation for an exam, project, etc. I will be glad to meet with you at a scheduled time before or after school, but you must set up an appointment with me to make sure that our schedules do not conflict.  My room will be open and available almost every day before school beginning at 7:15 and after school until at least 3:45 should you need to use my supplies or the computers to work on projects or assignments.  


G. Assignment Specifics:


v You must turn in assignments due each day BEFORE the tardy bell rings.  There is a tray designated for your class period in the room for you to use during this process.  You should place assignments in this tray before the bell rings or it will be counted late (penalty of a letter grade).  Please keep in mind that one of my policies is that you must also be in your seat working when the bell rings.  Let this be a caution to you to get to class ASAP!

v You should label all assignments with your first AND last names at the top of the page. Failure to do this is an automatic 5 point deduction, provided I can magically guess which student submitted the assignment.  If I do not know who turned it in, I will not grade it.

v Formal papers must be TYPED: 12pt font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins on all sides, double spaced, and printed on a single side of the page

v Late or make-up work should be directly turned in to me.  Do not put late work into the tray with other assignments.  This causes unnecessary confusion and potential problems with missing grades and work that disappears!

v Students will be punished for plagiarism and cheating by earning a “zero” on the assignment for which the offense was committed.  I will also contact parents and notify the administration in such cases. 


H.  Notebook Guidelines:


You should get one 1 ½ inch binder for this class that will contain information for this class only!  No other classes should be mixed in with your Pre-AP notes and assignments. 


Your notebook should contain the following:

1. plenty of blank college ruled paper

2. Grade/Assignment Sheet and Calendar:  Keep a record of all grades earned and assignments given in this class.  This is for your benefit—you will always be able to tell your grade in this class and you will always know what assignments you need to complete.

3. Key Terms and Vocabulary:  You will be expected to learn and build an extensive vocabulary dealing with literature.  You need to keep a running “dictionary” of these terms in your notebook.

4. Allusion List: You will learn several allusions this semester. Keep a running list in this section.

5. Major Units of Study: Every handout, note sheet, etc. that you create or receive in this class should be kept by unit of study in this section.  Please number each page in the upper right-hand corner so that you can easily keep track of where each page belongs should you need to take them out for any reason.

6. Composition:  Keep all written compositions in this section (including all process work)

7. Graded Work:  Your graded assignments (except compositions) should be kept in this section. DO NOT throw away graded assignments incase you might need them to study for major exams. 



Please note that all lessons and assignments will be aligned to reinforce and teach the skills required by the Georgia Performance Standards.  I encourage you to visit the website for these standards at www.georgiastandards.org.